Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Some bridges burned..

I'm nott at all sure how to startt this. Butt i'm sure thatt once i startt, I won't know where to finish. In every person's life, I'm certain thatt there's always a thing or two thatt they wantt to forgett. And with these things, mostt likely there are people involved. In my life, there are a couple of those. People who have done me wrong and people thatt I've done wrong. Unfortunately, I was cursed with a impeccable memory and forgetting does nott come easy to me. Soo usually I try my hardestt to justt brush itt off and eventually those people reluctantly disappear from my life. Butt tell me, watt do u do aboutt those little cockroaches who's sole mission in life is to haunt urs and make itt as miserable as possible? I haven't physically seen this person in months, yett they make every effortt to try and contactt me when they know very well they should stay away. The problem is they are trying to hurtt me, because I hurtt them. Whatt they don't know is thatt i really don'tt give a flying fartt in space aboutt watever they have to say to me. All i wantt to do is move on with my life and justt pretend  it never happened. Butt as time goes by, I justt keep wondering if its possible. I know thatt all they are trying to do is gett under my skin, and I hate to admitt thatt sometimes, they do. Butt i don'tt care anymore. I don'tt wantt to be held back anymore. I wantt to spread my wings and fly away, moving on with the restt of my life, withoutt worrying aboutt my pastt catching up to me.

 "Oh, some pages turned, Some bridges burned,But there were, Lessons learned.  And every tear that had to fall from my eyes, And everyday I wondered how I'd get through the night, Every change, life has thrown me, I'm thankful, for every break in my heart, I'm grateful, for every scar, Some pages turned, Some bridges burned, But there were lessons learned."